Saturday, February 8, 2014

Eco-Friendly Ganapati Idol Distribution - Bal Ganesh

Our Vatpatrashayani Bal Ganesha Idol is very popular in all Ecofrindly Ganesh Idol lover devotees. In this year we have maximum bookings of this idols.

vatapatrashayani ganapati
Bal Ganesha ready for distribution

Cutest Bal ganesha idol
Cutest Bal ganesha idol

Shree Aniruddha Aadesh Pathak Banner
Shree Aniruddha Aadesh Pathak Banner

Beautiful work on eyes of this Bal Ganesha idol with organic colors


  1. Worshiping the Eco-friendly Ganpati is indeed the best way to offer prayers to Lord Ganpati, and also protecting the mother nature.. Ganpati Bappa! Morya!

  2. You are doing a great work. Making eco-friendly Ganesha idols is a great help to the entire mankind. I hope everybody use eco-friendly Ganesha idols to support ecosytem. Using Water Purifying Ganesha and Fish Friendly Ganesha is the best way to offer prayers to the Lord Ganesha.


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